Select a membership:


Toe Dipping Member-Monthly

Free for 5 days USD $19.00/month
Start Free Trial
  • Access to all livestreams and their recordings 

  • All pre-recorded series including the Welcome Series, Knife & Prep Skills Series, the Courageous Cooking Breakdown Series and Recipe Diagramming

  • Our library of over 200 recorded classes, that's 10,000+ minutes of cooking content! 

  • Access to our active online community where you can connect with other members including our chef instructors--ensuring no question goes unanswered! 

  • DOES not include Sunday Workshops (This requires a yearly membership)


One Year with Small Group Coaching!

USD $1,000.00/year
Choose Membership

Get everything in our monthly membership including unlimited access to:

  • LIVE and Interactive Sunday workshops (starting October 2024) 

  • You join a cohort of 10 learners and meet with a Cooking Coach!  Weekly for 8 weeks, and monthly for the rest of the year!  

  • All class recordings and livestreams

  • Foundational series programs such as "Knife & Prep Skills", "Recipe Diagramming" with new content dropping each month

  • Access to our community of like-minded courageous cooks 

  • Get your kitchen and food questions answered by world-class instructors 

PLUS you will receive a beautiful spice or spice blend shipped to your front door every month! Your 12-month subscription will be shipped the first week of each month & includes 1-2 delicious spices or blends and accompanying Secret Spice Society exclusive recipes from our good friends at Curio Spice Company